Back from the dead. Sorta.

But not really.

JohnBlaze has a funny habit of pulling me out of odd ruts; he left me a comment and got me to take some time to pop in here.

I’ll update as soon as I have time. The workplace has begun monitoring internet usage, and I don’t spend as much time online as I used to. Plus I’ve taken up crochet — gadzooks, a real world hobby! — and I’m sorta obsessing with it. Well, okay, I’m obsessed with it. It’s the one craft that I never really picked up when they tried to teach it to us Catholic schoolgirls in Home Ec, back in the day.

So now that I’m older and have more patience, I’m discovering the joys of a craft I can take anywhere with me, unlike cross-stitch (which takes up space to do, what with the pattern and my obsessive-compulsive need to have every single thread color with me) or knitting (which I can’t do while taking public transportation, because I don’t want to accidentally skewer the person next to me) or paper-cutting (which ditto, plus I’m rather attached to my own fingers).

This post is really just to say hello again to one JohnnyBlaze, a dear, dear, DEAR friend and terrific guy. Ka is a wheel, mi corazon. I hope you’re well, and that I hear from you again soon. 🙂


  1. anti said,

    Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 8:23 am

    That’s what the Internet thing is really for, making new friends and keeping the old, but the work thing can sure get in the way sometimes.

    I am far too spastic to succeed at either knitting or crochet, I get the cat with a ball of yarn effect in very short order, but I do enjoy quilting for the very reason you mention. There is even a paper cut style of quilting, Polynesian in origin I think. You might look into that for a new challenge! 🙂

  2. JohnBlaze said,

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    😀 I can’t believe you actually got that message! Wow, you actually read your comments!

    I searched you out one day when the missing you got to be too much. 😦 I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you on FB, if you want to, hit me up. You have my email addy anyway, let me know. We have TONS to catch up on.

    Juanito Blaze’


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